
Foobar2000 skins easy install
Foobar2000 skins easy install

foobar2000 skins easy install foobar2000 skins easy install

There is no point to ANYTHING you do with it if you don't have your customer base in mind when you do it. However, you (like many another developer) seem to have forgotten the cardinal rule: I don't know whether it was for the hackneyed oft-used excuse of it's easier to develope (Microsoft tried that witht he threading model in Vista and fell flat on their azzes) or whether it simply appealed to your aesthetics but in any event, it was WRONG.


Author, you have arbitrarily REMOVED functionality from the player that was beficial to your customers (yes, I know the software is free but here's a tip: users = customers). I just didn't fully realize the ramifications. Yes, I know it was mentioned that it was no longer customizable. I was a little slow on the uptake on this but then again, I didn't use the software for the extra functions I normally do given time constraints until now.Īs such, I must revise my earlier review. (then again, hey, it's traffic right? *8-D


Still five stars, but I just hope that one day I'll be able to upgrade to something that takes two steps forward WITHOUT then taking half a step back.īTW Dingledoo, good to see you're catching up to me in the "upsetting other users on Fileforum" stakes *8-) Let me know when people start running to your blog or website with tears in their eyes, complaining about how you're mistreating them on Fileforum. Now I have to wander down through two or three branches to get to the discogs system.

foobar2000 skins easy install

I had my menus structured with often-used items at the top (replaygain, discogs scan etc). However, I'm pretty annoyed that they've disabled the shuffling of menu items. Plenty of stuff that's different but not too much that's truly noticeable. Basically I was forced to because at least half my existing 0.9x plugins didn't work with Win7 圆4 and "needed to be compiled with a newer version of the SDK". Hell, even The Gimp has a usability group now - so what's Foobar's excuse?įinally took the plunge on the 1.x upgrade path. I would say "this ain't Linux" but Linux has an intelligent and easy to use UI now - witness Ubuntu. Not everything new is better but not everything old should be cherished either.Ī published, standard and supported API would be nice instead of the current hack approach - anyone with any intelligence at all can appreciate that over the alternative. The real IDIOTS are those resistant to change, either because they're elitist (we like our app "psuedo-minimalist" because it makes us different and we like to be different, so there!), unable to step outside their tiny box and embrace something better (oh god, something new - the horror THE HORROR) or small minded enough to subscribe to the "it's always been done that way" syndrome. Still not going to give this app more than a THREE (after many FOURS and FIVES until it gets a decent UI. So-called "improvements" should not remove previously available functionality - it seems to be a lesson that many devs today (ranging from Microsoft, GNOME and Mozilla to this one) need to learn. Unfortunately, WASAPI 3.x remains broken with my USB Z=Cinemas where 2.x worked fine. Streaming problems I iterated before aparrently solved - the player held tenaciously to SomaFM for well over 12 houts when it previously would inexplicably stop after 45 minutes (DeadBeef on Linux wouldn't falter over the same timeframe). It didn't stall out on some 15,000 lossless files across my network either - awesome! Tentative FIVE stars. Also have to check WASAPI with my Logitech USB Z-Cinemas to see if that now works properly as well. Haven't tested the streaming to see if it's better (will leave it running today and will check this evening to see if it managed to retain connectivity to SomaFM) but the addition of the Export function for the error reporting on file integrity checking is enormously appreciated.

Foobar2000 skins easy install