Neural plasticity in the cortex and cognitive flexibility are possibly necessary for demonstrable improvement in suggestibility. It has shown the most improvement in suggestibility in neurotic and schizophrenic patients but the least in depression. LSD-assisted therapy has been shown to enhance suggestibility without hypnotic induction. The effects were reportedly tolerable or avoided using minimal doses. When patients use LSD as a treatment or a recreational drug, there are few if any reports of psychoactive effects. Patients obtained the illicit psychoactive substances as a last resort. This role is partly because patients have self-medicated using LSD off-label as an ablative therapy for treatment-resistant migraines and cluster headaches. Research has also begun to look at LSD as a possible treatment for Alzheimer dementia and as a last resort for migraines or cluster headaches. Sleep reportedly improved with terminally ill patients, and they were less preoccupied with death. Combining LSD with counseling, researchers were able to create a psychedelic "trip" for the terminally ill, thereby decreasing the anxiety refractory to conventional anxiolytic therapy, depression, and pain associated with life-threatening diseases such as cancer. The following non-FDA-approved indications show the most evidence for serotonin-based psychoactive agents: substance use disorders, especially in treating chronic alcohol addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression in patients suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Researchers continue to study the utility of LSD-assisted therapy. It has seen use in the past for non-FDA approved indications: depressive disorders including those with conversion phobia, neurosis, manic-depression, and reactive depression, cyclothymic (obsessional) and passive-aggressive (obsessional) compulsive sexual deviation addiction, psychoneurotic disorders, mixed, pan-neuroticism (including schizophrenia), borderline or latent and personality disorders (especially transient situational).

No approved indications for LSD-assisted therapy exist today. In Switzerland, psychotherapy and research were also conducted from 1988 to 1993 with special permission from their government. Despite these efforts, LSD-assisted treatments continued in some European countries in the 1970s. The hope was to eliminate or decrease risky behaviors and result in harmful consequences brought on by the drug.

Regulations on hallucinogenic drugs started to be introduced in 1967 to limit the use of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs to qualified practitioners. Many years afterward, patients still suffered from the side effects of being treated with LSD. The Danish LSD Damages Law was passed because of the crimes and deaths linked to LSD usage, where applicants received financial compensation for the harm resulting from the treatments. In 1986, almost 400 patients received treated with LSD. During the psychotic state, he also noted permitted recall and produced improved insight. The most pronounced effect on the animals allowed him to create a model for psychosis and study the induced temporary psychotic-like states. He accidentally concocted the drug while making experimental substances from ergots to create circulatory and respiratory stimulants. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a classical hallucinogen originally synthesized by Albert Hoffman.